Simtech, Inc.Established in 1988, Simtech is based in East Granby, Connecticut and distributes and exports military aircraft spares to foreign governments, companies and depots. Simtech also supplies spares directly to the US Government. Through partnerships with original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) and second and third-tier manufactures, Simtech has built an inventory of parts and delivery solutions to meet our customers’ demands. Whether a sale is to a foreign government or directly to DLA, Simtech meets all customer requirements, including export licenses, AES filings and payment terms. For the US Government, we support mil-spec packaging, RFID requirement, Rapid invoicing through the Wide Area Workflow (WAWF) and US Government QAR inspection. Simtech holds a Federal Firearms License and is a Colt’s Manufacturing Company distributor. 2020 SBA CT Exporter of the Year.
Marcelo Lemcoff, 860.653.2408,
Richard Leite, 860.653.2408,